Pathfinder Compass Package. Custom Action Plan, Study Skills, Interest and Career Exploration
Pathfinder Summit Package. Find, Apply to & Pay for the Right Fit College
Pathfinder Search and Rescue Package. De-Stress & Stay on Track to Complete College Applications
Financial Aid and Scholarship Help, High School Graduate & Adult Services, Packages and Hourly Consultation
We Believe finding the right college match is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. It's not only about being accepted by a college.
However students in the U.S. receive an average of only 38 minutes of one-on-one college counseling during all four years of high school.
You can rely on Pathfinder Counseling to provide the valuable help you need to navigate the college search, application and financial aid process, while keeping everything as stress free as possible.
We Believe finding the right college match is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. It's not only about being accepted by a college.
However students in the U.S. receive an average of only 38 minutes of one-on-one college counseling during all four years of high school.
You can rely on Pathfinder Counseling to provide the valuable help you need to navigate the college search, application and financial aid process, while keeping everything as stress free as possible.
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